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Bounty: Scholars Guess: How Many $ In This Market?
Since land is so crucial, some can’t resist estimating its worth.
April 11, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Give me your tired, your poor...
When trying to understand the economics of sustainability and immigration, we must ask : Can a nation go it alone?
April 8, 2018
Lindy Davies
Georgism and Globalization
Globalization decreases the barriers around the world and also within a country. Such changes also include the flows of pollution, people, and trade from one place to another.
April 5, 2018
Yousuf Shabbir
Bounty: Money Talks … And Silences? (pt 3 of 3)
Spend a little rent to guarantee receiving a lot of rent.
March 28, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Bounty: Money Talks … And Silences? (pt 2 of 3)
Spend a little rent to guarantee receiving a lot of rent.
March 21, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Bounty: Money Talks … And Silences? (pt 1 of 3)
Spend a little rent to guarantee receiving a lot of rent.
March 14, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Private Property?
It’s quite amazing how the term ‘private property’ has come to mean to some people the land over which we have been granted title.
March 11, 2018
Bryan Kavanagh
Real Estate Professional
Bounty: Media Report “Official” Land Values
Enough readers want to know Earth’s worth that mainstream articles do pop up with “answers.”
March 7, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Co-existing with Rent-seekers
A misunderstanding among Georgists revolves around the degree that rent-seeking should be allowed. Exactly how do we co-exist with hardcore rent-seekers?
March 3, 2018
Public Voice
Voices from the public
Bounty: Data—Quantity, Lots; Quality, Hmm
Finding tons of articles is no problem; finding the nuggets amid them is.
February 28, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Bounty: Our Turn With the Torch
Those who went before must not have labored in vain; we honor economia’s trailblazers.
February 21, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Labor-saving Robots?
Land is a factor when there are abundant workers chasing scarce jobs being made more scarce by advancing technology while those who have jobs are hanging on to them for dear life.
February 18, 2018
Lindy Davies
Bounty: The Call of the Riled
Hear that call? Officially calculating the worth of Earth in America is way past due.
February 14, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Bounty: Missing Link Would De-Mystify Economies
It’s not just another pretty fact; Earth’s worth is really something special.
February 7, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Bounty: Our Ignorance Is Whose Bliss?
Americans remain unaware of the worth of Earth in America. Who’d ever favor not knowing Earth’s worth?
January 31, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Bounty: Official Stamp of Insignificance
Officials do post a number for the worth of Earth in America. It’s so tiny. That’s the best Earth’s biggest economy can do?
January 24, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Bounty: Knowledge Worth Knowing
Right under our collective nose is a way to divine economic performance—we just need to do some accounting first.
January 10, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Why Research Farmland Ownership And Values? Part 9
On Publicizing Public Land Records. (Final excerpt)
January 1, 2018
Mason Gaffney, Ph.D.
Why Research Farmland Ownership And Values? Part 8
Farmland assessment: Amenity values, expected rising cash flows, tax shelter values, mineral rights, and entitlement values.
December 31, 2017
Mason Gaffney, Ph.D.
Why Research Farmland Ownership And Values? Part 7
Major biases in land assessment: Radio spectrum, rights of way, and severed property.
December 30, 2017
Mason Gaffney, Ph.D.
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