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The Growth "Imperative"
Economic growth is not simply the piling-up of more stuff. Rather, economic growth is the satisfaction of more human desires.
August 12, 2018
Lindy Davies
Bounty: As Crises Climax, Why Tally Rents?
At a time like this, are gadflies who seek a stat fiddling while Rome burns?
August 8, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
AFFEERCE Georgism (part 2)
AFFEERCE Collection Theory I – The Source of Ground Rents.
August 1, 2018
Jeff Graubart
Engineer, Activist
Georgist Globalization
Georgism can advance the case for "true free trade" so that as productivity increases land rent the benefits are shared by the whole population.
July 29, 2018
Yousuf Shabbir
Bounty: Out of Sight, Out of Mind, is Land
To fix economics, take out the “eco” and put in a “geo” (not ego) for Earth.
July 25, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Focusing on the seemingly overlooked national period (1890-1895), it’s George’s most important work because it links to the 16th Amendment making his single-tax enforceable.
July 22, 2018
Rick DiMare
Bounty: Porcelain Economics—look, don’t touch
Is economics a hopeless case, utterly useless to knowing the size of rent?
July 18, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Bounty: The Federal Rsrv—The Vault of the Stat?
Inside the Santa’s workshop for all the needy banksters.
July 11, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Bounty: Scouting Stats, Ahead of the Curve
Caution is called for when exploring ahead of the cutting-edge.
July 4, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
The American Common Market - Gone!
A new Supreme Court ruling may require all companies to charge a sales tax when selling goods to residents in every state.
July 1, 2018
Fred Foldvary, Ph.D.
Bounty: Staking Claims on Field of Knowledge
The realm of the possible physical laws is part of nature, too.
June 27, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Smart Talk with Ed Dodson & Fred Harrison
Georgists need to seize on economic disenchantment, explain rent-seeking behavior on full display in the White House, and craft messages that resonate with younger generations.
June 24, 2018
Henry George School of Social Science
Bounty: Eco-librium Repatriates Rents
Our degrading land converts rents into other expenses—then vice versa.
June 20, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Bounty: Utilities — A Natural Resource Spouting Real Rent
What are utility networks doing in the category of natural resources?
June 13, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
The Dog in the Manger
The expression “dog in the manger” from Aesop’s fables, where a dog refused to let other animals eat, is an apt description of land speculators in economics.
June 10, 2018
Lindy Davies
Bounty: Salute the Specialists Who Aid This Soloist
Some insiders extend assistance to the one seeking a total for all land’s value.
June 6, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
Why the Purpose of the “Single Tax” Changed
If taxes no longer fund government operations after the Coinage Act of 1965, why are taxes still necessary?
June 3, 2018
Rick DiMare
Bounty: True Total Trillions Yanks Spend on Land
A best guess—minus the politicizing that goes into minimizing all rents.
May 30, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
2018 CGO Conference: Will Land Value Tax Turn Baltimore Around?
Schedule of events and speakers at the 2018 Council of Georgist Organizations Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.
May 27, 2018
Public Voice
Voices from the public
Bounty: They Censor Rents, Colluding Or Not
Tuning out our spending for land was gradual, then worsened. Now it’s complete.
May 23, 2018
Jeffery J. Smith
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